It's been quite awhile since I've written anything political but lately I've had an uneasy feeling, a sense of dread that has overtaken me and so I feel compelled to write if for no other reason than to organize my thoughts. I submit this little piece of cyber dust, casting it into the vast www desert to be lost perhaps for eternity. Maybe one day the winds will shift and unearth this insignificant speck and the reader will be able to confirm the myths and rumors that yes, there used to be a place called America and it did stand for liberty and freedom from an oppressive state.
I began my political journey as a student radical. A maggot-infested, dope smoking FM type as Rush Limbaugh would say. My generation protested a lot, sometimes we didn't know why, but we were tired of a powerful central state always involving us in war and other chaos. We saw disenfranchisement of what should have been free people in our own country and rejected it. We despised and distrusted big government, otherwise known as Big Brother of Orwellian fame. It is one of the great ironies and disappointments to me that those of my generation instead of what logically would have called for rejection of The Beast actually have embraced it as if it were their own child.
The one true guarantor that we would live as free men has over the past century been steadily whittled and chipped away. The process was slow and subtle, at times not so subtle, but that's for another day's musing. We were told that it was a 'living' Constitution implying I suppose that it was whatever happened to be fashionable at the time. We were to no longer be a nation of law but men. The 'deep' thinkers who could define what is right and what is wrong. Still, it held for 200 years, a tattered, fragile document clinging to life support.
Now that plug is about to be pulled. We have a President who has absolutely no affinity for the great document drafted by political geniuses bent on releasing men from the tyranny of a ruling elite. He claims to be a Constitutional 'scholar' but that's a term that is widely applied to any quack and charlatan that wants to lay siege to the title. He refers to individual liberties as 'negative rights'. In his eyes those things the government is prohibited from doing to you are negative. Any sane person would say the opposite but then again sanity left the process long ago. It's been replaced by government debt, a fiat currency and impending bankruptcy. When all the restraints of the Constitution are lifted we will certainly dissolve into tyranny.
At that point we will be left with two choices. Submit meekly to it or let it burn down, start over and rekindle the spirit that made America great. It will be a decision that is thrust upon us, sooner rather than later.
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